Vadim Soloviev is a promising producer and DJ from Russia and I was intrigued to see what was on offer in this release, not just because he is making a name for himself but also because he is from new generation of producers who will eventually shape the future of dance/trance music in the next few years.
Original Mix - Score 7/10
The original mix starts with a nice groove and slowly builds into the swing of things, with the gentle bass used to carry the track into the first vocal section. The vocals on this track are well sung although the underlying track doesn't really gel with the singers voice. That is the big let down with Stay With Me, the main chorus section is nice and really moves along nicely while never trying to be aggressive, the arrangement flows well separating the different sections in a subtle way, but that first vocal verse section just feels a little disjointed.
Genix Summer Stripped Remix - Score 8/10
This remix has a more tech feel to it, the main feature from the start of the track is the sliced up vocal which is thrown around the mix to good use and delivers a much nicer overall atmosphere than the original mix. The two basslines work against each other to form the groove which is tied together with some very tight drum programming. The breakdown is well thought out and while it is airy and large it makes no attempt to be epic, and when the track kicks back in you will be glad of that! The drop back to the 'peak' of the track is somewhat disappointing, upon careful listening the underlying bassline and drums are very similar to that of Eric Prydz - Proper Education and with a core sound so similar to that perhaps the remix should of been produced a little more carefully.
Mike Foyle Remix - Score 9/10
This is the gem of the pack. A nice upbeat trance track with a simple pounding drumline and bass although the clever editing of the loops helps create some nice movement as the track twists and turns. The production is really well done and the breakdown is intriguing with the vocal turned into some kind of alien language and choppy sounds coming and going, then it all drops to a nice melodic breakdown and the vocal appears in it's original form and the music fits the singing much better than the original. The breakdown is only a short reprieve as the track kicks out to a nice tech sound and complex groove and continues to build steadily. If you are using this in a mix then makes sure you have something special to follow this track with!
Dub Mix - Score 8/10
The dub mix is almost identical to the original in terms of composition and much to my pleasure dropped the entire first vocal section. This has far more impact than you first imagine as now with the absence of the vocal Stay With Me is allowed to breathe and actually comes through as a pleasant trance track. The main synth controlling the groove plays a bigger part of the song in this mix along with the very subtle use of almost unrecognisable vocal elements to carry the whole mix through to the end. Much more satisfying that the original
Overall this is a good release and the different mixes give some nice perspectives on Stay With Me, I still feel a little disappointed that better use wasn't made of the good vocals on offer from Marcie. Mike Foyle's remix might yet make it into my top ten as well, nice solid track :)